An Online Event of Shanghai Astronomy Museum

On the 8th of January, Azer, a member of Guangzhou Stargazers Association, gave us an online session about Shanghai Astronomy Museum for around an hour. 35 members joined our first internal activity this year. Thank you to the participants for attending the event.

Source: Shanghai Astronomy Museum

Using the virtual exhibition hall of the museum, Azer introduced the Home Exhibition, which includes the Earth, the Moon, the Sun, the planets in the Solar Systems and meteorites. Thanks so much to Azer for providing the session and introducing the astronomy knowledge to our members.

Stargazing 仰望星空

No matter in ancient Chinese astronomy or in the western constellations, stargazing was one of the ways that people explored and understood the world. Meanwhile, it also showed the thinking and imagination of the ancient people. Looking at the starry sky in history for thousands of years, our life as human beings is very short.


Source: Shanghai Astronomy Museum

Sun, Moon & Earth 日月地

The Sun and the moon are two of the most important objects to our planet, the Earth. The Sun provides light and heat to the Earth. The surface of the Moon is full of holes because of the objects from outer space.


Source: Shanghai Astronomy Museum

Meteorites 陨石

In the display session of meteorites, we can see the samples and slides of meteorites. The holes that were formed by the violent friction with the Earth atmosphere are the significant characteristics of meteorites, compared to the stones on the Earth.

An elderly woman working at the tea garden received a meteorite on 1 June as a gift for Children’s Day. The meteorite and the soil where it fell on became the exhibition of the museum.



Source: Shanghai Astronomy Museum

We are expecting the opportunity to visit Shanghai Astronomy Museum.

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