2020 Myer Christmas Windows

Since 1956, the Myer Christmas Windows has become the most loved Christmas tradition of Melbourne. More than a million people go to visit the display every year.

Because of covid, Melbourne has been in the most serious Stage 4 lockdown for more than a month including the curfew, so the Myer Christmas Windows was planned to be canceled.

In September, the Myer Christmas Windows was informed to be continued, the team delivered a lovely storey related to covid based on the previous characters within 4 weeks.

Thank you so much to the staff working for Myer Christmas Windows.

Merry Christmas!

从1956年起,Myer 圣诞橱窗 (Myer Christmas Windows) 到现在已经持续65年了,每年总计有超过一百万人去观看,是墨尔本人的一个圣诞习俗,就好像广东人过年前会去逛花市。 


由于公众对圣诞橱窗特殊的情怀,9月份传来消息,圣诞橱窗将继续进行。完成一整套新的橱窗设计和布置,是需要花费好几个月的时间。面对紧急的4周时间,设计小组运用往年的人偶,设计了一个和疫情相关的故事,又富有墨尔本的特色。 感谢工作人员的辛苦付出。 


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